Angeltouren Spanien in Presse und TV Nachrichten, Videos und Berichte von Diario de Ibiza auf Angeltouren Spanien (Pescaturismo) Nachrichten, Videos und Berichte von Diario de Ibiza auf Angeltouren Spanien (Pescaturismo)

Pescaturismo gewinnt den Preis für das beste touristische Erlebnis auf den Balearen

Diario de Ibiza reports on the gala at which Fishingtrip was awarded the best tourist experience in the Balearic Islands. Nachrichten, Videos und Berichte von Diario de Ibiza auf Angeltouren Spanien (Pescaturismo)

15 Fischer aus Ibiza und Formentera bieten ihre Boote für den Angeltourismus an

Although it has only been three days since the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands published the Government decree opening the door for fishing boats to take tourists on board, there are already fifteen fishermen from Ibiza and Formentera who have signed up for this original idea with which the Balearic Executive intends to diversify the fishing sector. The excursions will be commercialized by the company Fishingtrip, which is in charge of the entire process.

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