Der Meerestourismus oder Pesca-Tourismus wird in diesem Sommer bei voller Expansion um 10 % wachsen

Reservations, visitors, invoicing and projects to turn tourists into fishermen for a day are growing by "double digits" on the Spanish coasts, according to data from the main platforms and consulting groups related to this activity.
The digital reservation platform Pescaturismo, which brings together businesses throughout the country dedicated to offering on-board trips or other activities with fishermen or shellfish, has registered a 10% increase in visitors and turnover in 2023, as stated by its director (CEO), Pepe Martinez.
Among tourists, the reservations made by foreigners stand out except in Galicia, where the public is mostly Spanish, according to what the person in charge of Pescaturismo, based in the Balearic Islands, has assured Efe; The origin is generally European, although there is also demand from American clients.